2023 Pennsylvania Trout Stocking Schedule: Exciting Fishing Opportunities Await

Pennsylvania Trout Stocking Schedule

The Pennsylvania State Game Commission has released its trout stocking schedule for 2023. This year, the Commission plans to stock over 3.2 million trout in streams and lakes throughout the state, providing ample opportunity for fishing enthusiasts to enjoy the sport.

One of the highlights of this year’s stocking schedule is the continuation of the Commission’s “Put-and-Take” program, where high-quality, hatchery-raised trout are stocked in select lakes and ponds for immediate catch-and-release fishing. This program is designed to provide easy access to fishing opportunities for both novice and experienced anglers.

In addition to the Put-and-Take program, the Commission will also be stocking streams and rivers with both adult trout and yearling trout. These trout are expected to provide excellent fishing opportunities throughout the year and are sure to bring excitement to Pennsylvania’s fishing community.

Fishing in Pennsylvania is a popular pastime and the Commission’s trout stocking program plays a significant role in maintaining this tradition. By providing ample opportunities for fishing, the Commission is helping to ensure that future generations can enjoy the sport and experience the natural beauty of Pennsylvania’s streams, rivers, and lakes.

The Pennsylvania State Game Commission’s trout stocking schedule for 2023 offers anglers of all skill levels an exciting opportunity to enjoy the sport. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a beginner, the Commission’s stocking program is sure to provide you with an enjoyable and memorable fishing experience.

Find your local Trout stocking schedule here: https://fbweb.pa.gov/stocking/TroutStockingDetails_GIS.aspx

About the author: Hey everyone! My name is John Henning and I have over 40 years experience trout fishing. I started fishing for trout at age 8 and some of my fondest memories are walking a creek with my fishing pole, a bucket and a can of worms… I hope you enjoy reading the articles & watching my videos. If there is something you would like to see on our site, please send me an email at: john@troutfishingmagazine.com